14 days

I can’t believe that this is one of my last blog posts while being in Israel. Our Jewish History teacher gave us a question to write about/think about as we head towards the end of our trip. He said: What role, if any do you want Israel to play in your life when you go home?

This question is kind of hard to answer! I obviously want it to be a HUGE part of my life but in reality I know that eventually Israel’s presence in my life will start to fade away. Some things that I would like to do in order to keep Israel in my life is: 1- NFTY! I am the new RCVP for my region and with that I hold the responsibility of bringing not just religion to NEL but also culture. (AKA ISRAEL!) 2- by keeping up with Israeli news and maybe even blogging about some interesting things I find out. 3- by keeping in touch with my EIE fam.  The last one you might say won’t keep Israel in my life, but I think it will. Being able to talk to my EIE fam about our time in Israel and sharing stories, will keep Israel in my life.

I think that the hardest part about leaving is going to be the fact that Israeli culture is just so much simpler and greater then American culture. Here everything is so straightforward and they care about life and living! Rather then material items or who’s popular right now. Another funky part about being home is that I won’t be living on my own anymore hahaha. And I also won’t be able to just like take a casual nap in between classes. Or like being able to walk right from my room to my best friends room. Or be living with my best friends! AHHHHHH its just gonna be very hard to adjust but its okay because I’m going straight to camp. Oops.

Back to Israel, I am most looking forward to being able to share Israel and my Israel experience with NEL. Being able to share the beauty and amazingness of Israel with others, especially Jewish teens, is something that I believe to be very important.  There is so much propaganda around Israel and I want people to know what’s real! I truly hope I can get this all accomplished. But I need your help! Spread the word on what’s really happening with Israel, not lies spread by anti-israel people. (which I can of course help you with.) But first this website is really good for Israeli news if you want to check it out- www.timesofisrael.com or a more left wing website www.haaretz.com


See you all in 14 days!



2 thoughts on “14 days

  1. Hannah. We know you are coming home with mixed emotions. We have no doubt that you will share your love for Israel and the eie program with everyone. We are so excited to see you even if it is for four days! Xoxo

  2. Just because you are leaving Israel, Israel’s presence doesn’t have to leave you or even diminish. Like you, Israel is very important to me.

    My first trip to Israel was nearly 30 years ago. Since that time, I have been back 6 times. Each time I leave, I start dreaming about my next visit.

    NEL and TTTI will provide you with endless opportunities to share you experiences and love is Israel. In addition, there are many other ways to experience and support Israel from home.

    Your Journey of love and advocacy for Israel is just beginning!

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